Out of Darts Blog

Getting Ready for Nerf Games: Assembling Your Loadout

Getting Ready for Nerf Games: Assembling Your L...

J Perry Heun

It’s that time of year when many clubs, groups, and universities are getting ready to play some blaster tag across North America. But what does the beginning foam-flinger need to bring...

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Getting Ready for Nerf Games: Assembling Your L...

J Perry Heun

It’s that time of year when many clubs, groups, and universities are getting ready to play some blaster tag across North America. But what does the beginning foam-flinger need to bring...

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Free the Half-Length Dart

Free the Half-Length Dart

OOD Guest Writer

When half-length darts are mentioned, people imagine cracked glasses, punched-through cardboard, and welts that last for weeks. However, as the hobby naturally progresses towards higher performance, more and more new...

Free the Half-Length Dart

OOD Guest Writer

When half-length darts are mentioned, people imagine cracked glasses, punched-through cardboard, and welts that last for weeks. However, as the hobby naturally progresses towards higher performance, more and more new...