Out of Darts Blog

Mega XL In Gameplay: What Role Does it Serve?

Mega XL In Gameplay: What Role Does it Serve?

J Perry Heun

There's no denying Mega XL is (dare I say) a massive improvement from other Hasbro releases in the past couple of years. But what about the ammo type itself? How effective is it...

Mega XL In Gameplay: What Role Does it Serve?

J Perry Heun

There's no denying Mega XL is (dare I say) a massive improvement from other Hasbro releases in the past couple of years. But what about the ammo type itself? How effective is it...

Prusa 3D Print Farm for Nerf Mods

Prusa 3D Print Farm for Nerf Mods

Luke Goodman

Here's an overview of the 3d print farm here at Out of Darts! We exclusively print Nerf modding parts and are looking to double, or triple our print farm in...

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Prusa 3D Print Farm for Nerf Mods

Luke Goodman

Here's an overview of the 3d print farm here at Out of Darts! We exclusively print Nerf modding parts and are looking to double, or triple our print farm in...

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