Adam Savage’s One Day (Nerf) Builds: Our Response
J Perry HeunShare
A couple weeks ago, Adam Savage’s Tested uploaded a video that we knew we had to respond to; it seems many of you noticed too, as there was a lot of nerf-hobby engagement towards this build. In true modder fashion, Adam fastened two D-Dart Pro blasters to an airsoft helmet paired with a reticle, and machined a remote trigger. You can watch the original video below:
To say that Luke and I are big fans of Adam and his work would be an understatement. Having watched Mythbusters, listened to his old podcast “Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project" and we’ve even met Adam & Jamie in person (though in different contexts).
Adam doesn’t shy away from foam-flinging either, which certainly adds to our fandom. He’s done cosmetic work on a Longstrike, and extended a Nemesis hopper that rivaled the Proton Pack prototypes Luke had been working on at the time. When we saw that Tested uploaded a new One Day Build involving a blaster series we really love, we jumped at the chance to do a reaction video – an experimental first for our channel.
All in all, it was a really cool build using a blaster that has been recommended since the beginning. Back in 2019, Luke reviewed the D-Dart Tempest from Bullseye, LLC. The Pro (and earlier, the V2) improved upon many of the glaring issues Luke found in the lines' first offering. It seemed that Adam found the perfect time to jump on this kind of mod. Additionally, Savage's use of an external battery, while it lacks the current of the hobby-standard LiPo, still provided an increase to the rate of fire and the performance of the stock flywheels.
Now for our response: In our reaction video, we asked you for input. A vast majority want to see Luke build his very own head-mounted dart blaster. One of our upcoming projects – Mount Olympus, would be a perfect candidate. Essentially a rail-mountable, mini Jupiter, we could fire 20 rounds-per-second, per blaster on either side of Luke’s head. This would be a blast to build, and we just might have to show you how as we build it. We are eager to launch Mount Olympus, however the global supply chain issues with boards, PCBS and other electronic parts have delayed the launch of this design, as a custom board is required. Once we are able to produce the custom Mount Olympus board, we will certainly get creative with a head-mounted Olympus!
We recently asked in a poll what you thought about our reaction video, and we definitely appreciate the feedback! Rest assured, we aren’t going to become a reaction channel, but it was nice to see some positive opinions of our experiment. In those rare instances we think a video or an event warrants a reaction of ours, why not? Overall, we don't intend on going hog-wild with this video format. - J Perry Heun