Jimmy Kimmel Live Build: A Behind the Scenes Preview

Jimmy Kimmel Live Build: A Behind the Scenes Preview

Luke Goodman

Out of Darts has some exciting news to share! You may have already heard, but some blasters we built were recently featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live on May 11th, 2022! 

Season 20 Episode 111 : Dana Carvey, “Science Bob” Pflugfelder

About a month ago, a guy named “Science Bob” reached out to us about a potential commissioned build request. He’s known for some crazy builds to teach and showcase STEM work on the late-night talk show. In his e-mail, he expressed interest in our Proton Pack feeding system and wanted us to build three dual-wielding, gauntlet-style blasters for the hosts and a special guest to use on the show.

While we don’t usually take on commissions or custom work, this project was right up our alley. The build took two straight weeks, leaving everything except customer orders on hold at the shop – Tarik even flew to OOD HQ to help design and print over a long weekend, and we couldn’t have completed it without him.

Tarik and Luke in the studio, laughing

More Content Coming Soon

Perry and I filmed the entirety of this project extensively, and Perry is hard at work cutting together the highlights to share with you soon. We are huge fans of maker channels like Stuff Made Here, Mark Rober, and Adam Savage’s Tested; while we couldn’t hope to replicate their level of build complexity, knowledge, or budget, we made a serious effort to show the behind-the-scenes process. We hope you'll enjoy the video when we publish it shortly.

Luke wearing a Jimmy Kimmel Gauntlet Blaster

Future Collaborations

I imagine one of the biggest questions we’re going to get is, “Are you doing more custom builds like this?” While I had such a great time working on this, and I’ve already got another collaboration in the works, I am ultimately limited in the time I can devote to these kinds of projects. Indeed, if you have access to a larger audience and want to work together on a custom build project, shoot us an e-mail. We’d love to hear from you!

The Out of Darts team wearing the Jimmy Kimmel Live Gauntlet BlastersIn addition to our complete behind-the-scenes video on our YouTube channel, you will hear more from us about the Jimmy Kimmel Build -- from a more detailed look into the design of the blasters to the launch of each of the products which prototypes made it possible. Stay tuned for more update posts to follow! - Luke Goodman

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Woah neat. I like what you did with the Little Rockets. I’m excited to see those arm-mounted things. Hopefully they’ll be in the shop? Also Mega XL Little Rocket attachments? So much cool stuff. Very excited to see the video on it.


This is just a amazing project and I can’t wait to have the chance to build something like this my self. I am quite obsessed with the proton pack it’s self and bought one Is immediately when it was available. And have definitely been dreaming up a build like this and hope to have products like this soon to dominate in H.V.Z! AWSOME WORK DONE HERE BY LUKE AND HIS TEAM! And congrats to having your amazing design on a t.v show!


I noticed Mega XL barrels for the Proud papa’s on these… does that mean they will be available soon? (Please say yes… pleeeease..)

Ryan M

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