Out of Darts Blog

Jimmy Kimmel Live Build: A Behind the Scenes Preview

Jimmy Kimmel Live Build: A Behind the Scenes Pr...

Luke Goodman

Out of Darts has some exciting news to share! You may have already heard, but some blasters we built were recently featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live on May 11th, 2022!...


Jimmy Kimmel Live Build: A Behind the Scenes Pr...

Luke Goodman

Out of Darts has some exciting news to share! You may have already heard, but some blasters we built were recently featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live on May 11th, 2022!...

Adam Savage’s One Day (Nerf) Builds: Our Response

Adam Savage’s One Day (Nerf) Builds: Our Response

J Perry Heun

To say that Luke and I are big fans of Adam and his work would be an understatement. So when we saw that Tested uploaded a new One Day Build involving...

Adam Savage’s One Day (Nerf) Builds: Our Response

J Perry Heun

To say that Luke and I are big fans of Adam and his work would be an understatement. So when we saw that Tested uploaded a new One Day Build involving...

RS187 Luchadora: A Word from the Designer

RS187 Luchadora: A Word from the Designer

J Perry Heun

The RS187 Luchadora has proven to be a hit! To continue the fanfare of the last month, I'd like to give the floor to the designer that created it: RadioSilence187....

RS187 Luchadora: A Word from the Designer

J Perry Heun

The RS187 Luchadora has proven to be a hit! To continue the fanfare of the last month, I'd like to give the floor to the designer that created it: RadioSilence187....

The Last Week (and a Half) In Review: Mk-3 Edition

The Last Week (and a Half) In Review: Mk-3 Edition

J Perry Heun

While things settle down enough for us to do an updated warehouse tour, I wanted to take you through the last week we had. And what a Week!

The Last Week (and a Half) In Review: Mk-3 Edition

J Perry Heun

While things settle down enough for us to do an updated warehouse tour, I wanted to take you through the last week we had. And what a Week!

Mega XL In Gameplay: What Role Does it Serve?

Mega XL In Gameplay: What Role Does it Serve?

J Perry Heun

There's no denying Mega XL is (dare I say) a massive improvement from other Hasbro releases in the past couple of years. But what about the ammo type itself? How effective is it...

Mega XL In Gameplay: What Role Does it Serve?

J Perry Heun

There's no denying Mega XL is (dare I say) a massive improvement from other Hasbro releases in the past couple of years. But what about the ammo type itself? How effective is it...

Adventure Force Spectrum Mod Guide

Adventure Force Spectrum Mod Guide

Luke Goodman

The Adventure Force Spectrum, surprised everyone in the hobby with better stock performance than a Nerf Elite Stryfe; It would take a lot of work to dethrone the Stryfe, but the Spectrum...

Adventure Force Spectrum Mod Guide

Luke Goodman

The Adventure Force Spectrum, surprised everyone in the hobby with better stock performance than a Nerf Elite Stryfe; It would take a lot of work to dethrone the Stryfe, but the Spectrum...