Out of Darts Blog

Nerf Snipers, Fact or Fiction?: SCARs, PCARs, and BCARs Explained

Nerf Snipers, Fact or Fiction?: SCARs, PCARs, a...

OOD Guest Writer

Do you want to become a “Nerf Sniper?” Do you have the proper blaster and the proper gear for the job? It sounds ridiculous; foam darts have never been known...


Nerf Snipers, Fact or Fiction?: SCARs, PCARs, a...

OOD Guest Writer

Do you want to become a “Nerf Sniper?” Do you have the proper blaster and the proper gear for the job? It sounds ridiculous; foam darts have never been known...

The Hidden Costs of "Free Shipping": How We All Pay

The Hidden Costs of "Free Shipping": How We All...

Luke Goodman

On other sites, "free shipping" has become a powerful tool to increase revenue. However, the costs of delivering products don't simply vanish. E-commerce platforms employ various strategies to recoup these...


The Hidden Costs of "Free Shipping": How We All...

Luke Goodman

On other sites, "free shipping" has become a powerful tool to increase revenue. However, the costs of delivering products don't simply vanish. E-commerce platforms employ various strategies to recoup these...

Competitive Events & Brushless Releases: A 2023 Hobby Wrap Up

Competitive Events & Brushless Releases: A 2023...

OOD Guest Writer

Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to 2023’s hobby wrap-up! 2023 stepped up in a big way, with everything we got in 2022 and more. With multiple large-scale nerf events...


Competitive Events & Brushless Releases: A 2023...

OOD Guest Writer

Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to 2023’s hobby wrap-up! 2023 stepped up in a big way, with everything we got in 2022 and more. With multiple large-scale nerf events...

Nerf has finally gone pro ‽: Nerf Pro Stryfe X Review

Nerf has finally gone pro ‽: Nerf Pro Stryfe X ...

J Perry Heun

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe is one of the – if not the best-selling Nerf-brand blaster ever, and it’s easy to see why. Time will tell what the future may...


Nerf has finally gone pro ‽: Nerf Pro Stryfe X ...

J Perry Heun

The Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe is one of the – if not the best-selling Nerf-brand blaster ever, and it’s easy to see why. Time will tell what the future may...


Using A Diode With A Solenoid

Luke Goodman

Using a Diode with a Solenoid Why Use a Diode? A solenoid is an inductive load, meaning it generates a high-voltage spike when it is turned off due to the...

Using A Diode With A Solenoid

Luke Goodman

Using a Diode with a Solenoid Why Use a Diode? A solenoid is an inductive load, meaning it generates a high-voltage spike when it is turned off due to the...

Getting Ready for Nerf Games: Assembling Your Loadout

Getting Ready for Nerf Games: Assembling Your L...

J Perry Heun

It’s that time of year when many clubs, groups, and universities are getting ready to play some blaster tag across North America. But what does the beginning foam-flinger need to bring...


Getting Ready for Nerf Games: Assembling Your L...

J Perry Heun

It’s that time of year when many clubs, groups, and universities are getting ready to play some blaster tag across North America. But what does the beginning foam-flinger need to bring...