Out of Darts Blog

Free the Half-Length Dart

Free the Half-Length Dart

OOD Guest Writer

When half-length darts are mentioned, people imagine cracked glasses, punched-through cardboard, and welts that last for weeks. However, as the hobby naturally progresses towards higher performance, more and more new...

Free the Half-Length Dart

OOD Guest Writer

When half-length darts are mentioned, people imagine cracked glasses, punched-through cardboard, and welts that last for weeks. However, as the hobby naturally progresses towards higher performance, more and more new...

MOD GUIDE: Rival Nemesis

MOD GUIDE: Rival Nemesis

Luke Goodman

The Rival Nemesis is an extremely popular blaster and an equally popular modding choice.  This mod shows you how to give your Nemesis some extra punch with a 3s LiPO Battery and includes...


MOD GUIDE: Rival Nemesis

Luke Goodman

The Rival Nemesis is an extremely popular blaster and an equally popular modding choice.  This mod shows you how to give your Nemesis some extra punch with a 3s LiPO Battery and includes...

Dart Zone Pro MK-1 Collector's Edition Overview

Dart Zone Pro MK-1 Collector's Edition Overview

OOD Guest Writer

The countdown is over and Dart Zone Pro Line has finally launched! This company has listened to their audience on multiple occasions, has been willing to invest into the products...

1 comment

Dart Zone Pro MK-1 Collector's Edition Overview

OOD Guest Writer

The countdown is over and Dart Zone Pro Line has finally launched! This company has listened to their audience on multiple occasions, has been willing to invest into the products...

1 comment
Out of Darts 2.0

Out of Darts 2.0

Luke Goodman

First, from my wife, daughter and myself; Thank you. Your support of my shop quite literally puts food on my table, clothing on my daughter, and HIRs in my Proton Pack (even...

Out of Darts 2.0

Luke Goodman

First, from my wife, daughter and myself; Thank you. Your support of my shop quite literally puts food on my table, clothing on my daughter, and HIRs in my Proton Pack (even...