Containment Crew Inferno Flywheels V2 (Pair)
Containment Crew Inferno Flywheels V2 (Pair)
Containment Crew, made in the USA flywheels offers a new style, The Inferno. This V2 version has some slight alignment improvements, because of this, please note that V1 and V2 versions are not compatible with one another and cannot be mix and matched. This modified design to the ever popular Cyclone Flywheel that Containment Crew puts out features the same diameter but have a slight inner concave compared to the Cyclones and have three grooves down the center for improved accuracy. A flame design also make these wheels a flamin' hot choice.
• Root Diameter: 34.5
• Outside Diameter: 35.7mm
• Height: 14.1mm
• Note; Grooves are cut slightly deeper than 34.5mm root diameter
• Machined in the USA
• Acetal

Very nice and super high quality would buy again
I am running these wheels with OOD Krakens and an OFP cage with 41.5 mm crush on 3s LiPo. Hitting 150-160 FPS and shooting absolute laser beams with Worker Gen 3s. I basically turned my Stryfe into a cheaper Stryfe X lol. I seriously cannot recommend the Inferno wheels enough. The quality and accuracy is insane. Also, because they are not serrated, there is hardly any dart wear after each shot, even with the high crush. Containment Crew really hit a home run with these flywheels and you should definitely pick up a pair gor your next flywheel build.