Dart Zone Max Outlaw Spring (Low-Power)
Dart Zone Max Outlaw Spring (Low-Power)
This hand-cut spring brings the Dart Zone Outlaw down to around 100 FPS. This Low Power option is an excellent choice for indoor games and low-FPS HvZ events.
• Low-FPS hand-cut spring
• Easy install
• 1 Dart Zone Max Outlaw Spring
Average FPS
• 100 FPS
• Material: Zinc-coated Steel
• Dimensions: Roughly 170mm long (25 coils), hand cut (SPR_014), flat on one end.
• Worker Gen3+ Darts

Dart Zone Max Outlaw Spring (Low-Power)
I installed the low power spring and shimmed it a bit then installed the BCAR from another kit. Now the outlaw is very accurate and much more powerful.
This spring it perfect if you want a lighter spring load. I can actually use one hand to prime it now! The fps does drop quite a bit, but its a trade-off that's worth it. It is a little tricky to put the blaster back together at the end, but a simple YouTube search should help with that!
The low power spring makes the outlaw much more fun for HvZ as well as casual/home games. It also has the benefit of reducing the prime weight to about the level of a lightly modified hammershot, so it can be operated with one hand much more easily.
This spring performed exactly as advertised and was easy to install. What I am the most impressed with though, is that the spring was available for purchase within a week of the blaster releasing! Really happy with the product and would have no qualms shopping again!