Stryfe Heel (+2 comfort)
Stryfe Heel (+2 comfort)
This stryfe heel makes your stryfe blaster fit adult hands. Luke has always had a bit of problem with his hand sticking off the bottom of the grip, so this was the perfect solution. It fits very snugly, with a hidden M3 nut on the inside.
• Designed by Tarik
• Material: PLA Plastic
• Multiple colors
• Out of Darts Mod Guide: Stryfe

We print primarily with Proto-Pasta HTPLA and PLA. Check out our full range of colors here.
3D printed parts should not be left inside hot cars or excessively hot environments.
It fills that ugly space in like, 2 mins tops. Excellent
I’m 6’1” 215lbs and this makes the grip feel really solid. Can actually get a purchase on the grip especially after adding metal cage and new motors which have increased the weight of the blaster and changed the balance. I strongly recommend this product
While the Stryfe does barely fit my large hands, this adds just a bit of extra comfort. Better still, it mods the handle to look better for Worker body kits. Best part is it installs without needing to open the shell or cut any parts.
Totally Tacticool!
Fit perfectly and had no issues.