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Flag & Armor 8-Degree 3x4 CNC Metal BCAR

Flag & Armor 8-Degree 3x4 CNC Metal BCAR

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price $45.00 USD Sale price $45.00 USD
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The Flag & Armor 8-Degree 3x4 CNC Metal BCAR is the newest version of BCAR from Jing-Jia / Flag and Armor.  Featuring twelve bearings in a skeletonized trivictus-style arrangement, this rifling attachment increases accuracy and minimizes turbulence out of the barrel. With a metal locking collet, this BCAR fits snuggly on any 16mm or similar OD exposed metal barrel. Available in a bright orange-gold anodized finish.

• CNC Aluminum BCAR
• Designed and produced by Jing Jia of Flag & Armor
• Precision machined with an orange-gold anodized finish

• Compatible with most exposed 16mm or similar OD barrels* 
• Fits blasters like the Worker Seagull, Harrier, and Sillybutts Alchemist
• Metal Locking Collet ensures a secure fit

*Note: Barrel tip clearance is required for proper fit. This BCAR may not fit properly with shorter barrels. Metal BCARs may show wear on the finish of anodized barrels.

• 1 Flag & Armor BCAR

• Twist Angle: 8-Degree
• Twist Rate: Standard
Lines: 3
Rows: 4
• Total Bearings: 12
Material: CNC anodized aluminum
• Dimensions: 23 x 64mm

Flag & Armor SLA BCARs
More Rifling Attachments

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Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews

Beautifully machined and assembled. Perfect dart fit too! The collet system is great, and it definitely is worth it's higher price compared to other similar BCARs on the market.

Dan A.
Your home for Worker modding.

Great pricing and quick response to online questions. Fast shipping. Look no further.

Great Bcar! Tighter groupings

Good looking and Works great, when I could get it on and off. Mainly a problem with the Trion stock barrel. Something to note if you have a barrel slightly larger than the 16mm. I don't seem to hear the spinning bearings but I think its an FPS thing (200fps my set up). Definitely tightened up my groupings

Eric O.
Great BCAR

Absolutely love this BCAR. Great for increased accuracy.

Definitely improved accuracy

I have a very powerful nerf gun for testing the limits of these and this Bcar was able to stabilize even 500-700 fps sending darts over the whole neighborhood with decent accuracy 5ft grouping at 500 ft